Ardith Collins, a friend of ACEMM, describes her experience with an international professional development retreat similar to what participants will experience at the ACEMM 1st Annual Retreat and Jamboree at Frost Valley.
Imagine a conference session that lasts not for an hour or two, but spans days, with chance not only to listen and participate, but to also extend and experience process, to discuss and debrief best practices with renowned educators, with time also provided for food and fellowship, relaxation and rejuvenation.
I had the opportunity to experience this type of professional development when I attended JaSeSoi ry World Village, now known as the International Music Village, in 2012. For me, it was an opportunity to learn with kindred spirits, like-minded educators and world-class instructors in the beautiful Finnish countryside. The food was as plentiful as the conversation, and music was woven throughout the tapestry of our time together.
The mission statement of ACEMM is: to promote the artistic and pedagogical possibilities of elemental music and movement. In the belief that all human beings have the need and capability to express themselves artistically, the Center will offer educational and performance opportunities for children and adults. This will be accomplished through the creation of programs for educators that identify, explore and develop the skills and appreciation of elemental artistic styles. The focus of the Center’s work will be to bring the humanizing touch of elemental music and movement to all who experience it.
With that driving purpose, ACEMM is enthusiastically preparing to launch our inaugural retreat and jamboree in the scenic Catskill Mountains.
In a retreat setting, you are given the gift of time. At a conference, there is sometimes an overwhelming amount of choices, for example: “which of these five amazing sessions all occurring in the same time slot do I choose?” There may be disappointment if a specific session you had hoped to attend was closed. You may have felt rushed from session to session, with a day so jam-packed that by early afternoon, you had little recollection of what happened in the eight o’clock session, when you had just run in from the coffee line!
In the less hurried setting of a retreat, you will have opportunity to participate within a community committed to improving personal practice, reflect on the past, and take joy in the present. I consider myself fortunate to have found lifelong friends at JaSeSoi ry, and those friendships were cultivated through shared music, movement and meals during our time together.
You have the opportunity to be part of ACEMM history as a participant of this inaugural event! At ACEMM, we believe in embracing all aspects of quality elemental music and movement teaching practices. Elemental can be defined as “close to the earth,” that which is true to the spirit of wonder and play.
ACEMM is excited for you to experience Elemental music and movement at scenic Frost Valley in the Catskills:
2019 Retreat and Jamboree Page
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