A Unique and Innovative Professional Development Experience Ardith Collins, a friend of ACEMM, describes her experience with an international professional development retreat similar to what participants will experience at the ACEMM 1st Annual Retreat and Jamboree at Frost Valley.
Kris Olson – ACEMM Retreat and Jamboree Featured Presenter March is roaring in and June will be here in no time! ACEMM is already planning for that moment when you say goodbye to the school year and blissfully push the pause button for the summer. Once the dust settles, feelings of relief and achievement are often mixed with lingering questions and ‘what if’s’ about moving ahead personally and professionally. In the spirit of being open to inspiration, seeking fresh outlooks, and engaging in thoughtful reflection to help nurture the artistic soul that impacts our teaching and personal lives, ACEMM is proud to announce that Kris Olson will be among our featured presenters at the 1st Annual ACEMM Retreat and Jamboree!
Come to the Catskills! ACEMM 2019 Retreat and Jamboree “Frost Valley is a phenomenally beautiful place.” ― Lifelong visitor The ACEMM Retreat and Jamboree will blend the beauty of nature that Frost Valley offers with meaningful collaboration with professional educators as well as create possibilities for participants to simply be together as artists and humans sharing in community music making experiences.