“Onward and Upward!” – Drue Bullington

We never could have predicted all that the world of music and movement education has experienced since March of 2020;

 moreover, we never could have imagined the many ways our artistic creativity and ingenuity would become the skills that ensured our students would be able to stay connected through music and movement in some of the most disconnected times our planet has ever known. 

One thing we can all look back on and see clearly, arts educators are superheroes– their perseverance and resilience inspired a generation of young musicians and

 dancers in ways unimaginable. Sometimes the most powerful act they could offer was simply showing up authentically, whole-heartedly, and with little more than a sincere smile to say hello to their students, to let them know that they are seen, valued, and cared about. 

We at ACEMM are looking to do just that for our community. We want our people to know that they are seen, valued, and cared about. We sincerely hope that we can be a connecting, guiding force for music educators all over the world.

While the pandemic has been unfolding in an unpredictable theme and variations of best guesses, many important conversations were started in the music education world about restorative justice, culturally responsive teaching, equity, and empowerment. We at ACEMM have been listening, and participating in these conversations, and listening, and listening some more. All the while, we have been working behind the scenes to craft a comprehensive action plan to be a resource for educators seeking to continue this work.

Our team of Directors has all invested a great deal of time and energy to create a vision for our future, a mission statement that fuels our work, and a set of supporting core values that will drive our forward motion. 

Vision Statement:

The American Center for Elemental Music and Movement envisions a global society where all have access to the transformative possibilities of elemental music and movement. 

Mission Statement: 

The American Center for Elemental Music and Movement will connect,  support, and amplify the power of elemental music and movement by providing resources and opportunities to educators, organizations, and communities.

We are excited about continuing to offer opportunities like our Beacon Scholarships, Spotlight Awards, Spark Grants, Online Lesson/Video Resources and to grow our offerings of community engagement through our Online Book Club, the debut of a podcast, in-person and online workshops followed by courses in elemental music and movement, and other projects that support and fulfill our mission statement and core values. 

In the spirit of connection and community that helped all of us survive and at times thrive in the most challenging of times in our professional careers, we at ACEMM are committed to shining a bright, positive, helpful, supportive light out into the world, celebrating the power of everyone out there making a difference in the lives other humans through music and movement and connecting them in community with one another. We invite you to join us, grow with us, add your light to ours, and with one melody, one simple flowing gesture, and one heart at a time, we will change the world through music and movement. 

Giving Tuesday

We at ACEMM are setting an ambitious goal to raise $5,000 – $10,000 to give away to teachers who are in desperate need of encouragement in the form of affirmation and financial support. We encourage you to consider making a donation to help us achieve this goal.

Donate Here

However, if you aren’t in a position to give financially, please write a note to our teacher friends encouraging them!

Google Form to Collect Notes 

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement!

One thought on “A Note from the President of ACEMM

  1. “An unpredictable theme and variations of best guesses,” indeed! Drue, you are truly a poet.
    I’m proud and happy to donate to this organization. Biggest props and thanks to all its leaders!

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